Is my autovacuum configured properly?

Autovacuum was added LONG time ago (in 7.4, as pg_autovacuum). Since then, there were many changes related to it.

These days, hopefully, we no longer see someone saying that they have to disable autovacuum due to performance issues.

But I still see people that say that they have to run daily/weekly vacuum because “autovacuum is not enough". Is it really?

Continue reading Is my autovacuum configured properly?

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics.

On 6th of April 2020, Amit Kapila committed patch:

Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics. 
This commit allows autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics added by commit
Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: Dilip Kumar and Amit Kapila

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics.

Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed – UPDATE

Some time ago I wrote blogpost which showed how to list tables that should be autovacuumed or autoanalyzed.

Query in there had one important problem – it didn't take into account per-table settings.

Continue reading Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed – UPDATE

Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed?

Recently I was in a situation where autovacuum couldn't keep up with changes. To solve the problem I finally decided to manually vacuum analyze all tables (manual vacuum/analyze is faster than one ran by autovacuum daemon).

But it irritated me that I didn't have ready way to check which tables are waiting for autovacuum to work on them.

So, I wrote it.

Continue reading Which tables should be auto vacuumed or auto analyzed?