OmniPITR 0.6.0

Just released new version, 0.6.0 (it should be visible on pgxn soon) of OmniPITR set of tools.

New version has one new feature – parallelism.

This works in omnipitr-archive and omnipitr-backup-* programs, and allows for parallel delivery to remote destinations (multiple -dr switches).

Also – if you're using compresses wal archive and omnipitr-backup-slave reading from it – all the wal files have to be decompressed before making backup – and this decompression can be parallelized too.

All parallelization is controled using -PJ option (–parallel-jobs), so you can add “-PJ 10" to get up to 10 decompressions at the same time or up to 10 deliveries at the same time.