Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – SQL/JSON constructors

On 27th of March 2022, Andrew Dunstan committed patch:

SQL/JSON constructors
This patch introduces the SQL/JSON standard constructors for JSON:
For the most part these functions provide facilities that mimic
existing json/jsonb functions. However, they also offer some useful
additional functionality. In addition to text input, the JSON() function
accepts bytea input, which it will decode and constuct a json value from.
The other functions provide useful options for handling duplicate keys
and null values.
This series of patches will be followed by a consolidated documentation
Nikita Glukhov
Reviewers have included (in no particular order) Andres Freund, Alexander
Korotkov, Pavel Stehule, Andrew Alsup, Erik Rijkers, Zihong Yu,
Himanshu Upadhyaya, Daniel Gustafsson, Justin Pryzby.
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/cd0bb935-0158-78a7-08b5-904886deac4b@postgrespro.ru

A moment before Andrew Dunstan committed another patch that is the basis for this (and next) changes.

So. The idea is that SQL/JSON is standard related to handling json values in SQL databases.

We (PostgreSQL) had json/jsonb support for quite some time now (it was added in Pg 9.2, in 2012!). But now we will get more support for standardized ways to acces/create/handle these. Let's see what we can do now.

As far as I can see all the listed JSON* “functions" generate json values from some input.

I wrote “functions" and not functions, because these are not functions – psql's \df JSON* doesn't list them. What's more, I don't see any documentation (yet?), so all I can figure out is based on regression tests.

Let's see some examples:

=$ SELECT json();
ERROR:  syntax error at OR near ")"
LINE 1: SELECT json();
=$ SELECT json(NULL);
(1 ROW)
=$ SELECT json(1);
LINE 1: SELECT json(1);
=$ SELECT json(1.1);
LINE 1: SELECT json(1.1);
=$ SELECT json('depesz');
ERROR:  invalid INPUT syntax FOR TYPE json
DETAIL:  Token "depesz" IS invalid.
CONTEXT:  JSON DATA, line 1: depesz
=$ SELECT json('1');
(1 ROW)
=$ SELECT json('"depesz"');
(1 ROW)
=$ SELECT json('[1,2,3]');
(1 ROW)

OK. So I can generally give json() “function" literal value that looks like json, and in return I will get value that is typed to json.

The interesting part is that I can use bytea values too:

=$ SELECT json('\x2264657065737a22'::bytea);
(1 ROW)

At this moment, I can't say it's something spectacular. There are options in there too:

  • FORMAT JSON – in no test I found other value than JSON, so I have no idea what this is for.
  • ENCODING X – which seems to be useful for providing bytea values in different (from servers) encoding, but I tried this for ISO-8859-2 data, and failed, no value like iso8859-2, iso88592, or anything like this was accepted, and tests only mention utf* variants

But there is interesting thing that can be used for validation: WITH UNIQUE KEYS or WITHOUT UNIQUE KEYS. This is how it works:

=$ SELECT JSON( '{"a": 12, "b": 23}' WITH UNIQUE KEYS );
 {"a": 12, "b": 23}
(1 ROW)
=$ SELECT JSON( '{"a": 12, "b": 23}' WITHOUT UNIQUE KEYS );
 {"a": 12, "b": 23}
(1 ROW)
=$ SELECT JSON( '{"a": 12, "a": 23}' WITH UNIQUE KEYS );
ERROR:  duplicate JSON object KEY VALUE
=$ SELECT JSON( '{"a": 12, "a": 23}' WITHOUT UNIQUE KEYS );
 {"a": 12, "a": 23}
(1 ROW)

So, if I'll pick JSON() constructor, and provide it with object data, that has non-unique keys, but I'll add “WITH UNIQUE KEYS", it will fail.

OK. Let's switch to the next one: JSON_ARRAY.

This is actually more interesting. We can start with simple:

=$ SELECT json_array(1,2,3);
 [1, 2, 3]
(1 ROW)

but then we can:

=$ SELECT JSON_ARRAY( 1, '12', 'hubert', 'depesz' );
 [1, "12", "hubert", "depesz"]
(1 ROW)

or even:

=$ SELECT json_array( 1, 2, json_array('hubert','depesz','lubaczewski'), json('{}') );
 [1, 2, ["hubert", "depesz", "lubaczewski"], {}]
(1 ROW)

and now, we can also make it return jsonb type:

=$ SELECT json_array( 1, 2, json_array('hubert','depesz','lubaczewski'), json('{}') returning jsonb) \gdesc
   COLUMN   | TYPE  
 json_array | jsonb
(1 ROW)

Interestingly you can put inside direct selects:

=$ SELECT json_array( SELECT datname FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname returning jsonb );
 ["depesz", "pgdba", "postgres", "template0", "template1"]
(1 ROW)

Similarly you can now also use json_arrayagg:

=$ SELECT json_arrayagg(datname ORDER BY datname) FROM pg_database;
 ["depesz", "pgdba", "postgres", "template0", "template1"]
(1 ROW)

Next thing is JSON_OBJECT(). This is also very interesting:

=$ SELECT JSON_OBJECT( 'a': 123, 'b': json_array(1,2,3));
 {"a" : 123, "b" : [1, 2, 3]}
(1 ROW)

Just like with JSON_ARRAY I can use RETURNING JSONB to get jsonb:

=$ SELECT JSON_OBJECT( relname: relkind returning JSONB) FROM pg_class LIMIT 1;
 {"pg_statistic": "r"}
(1 ROW)

and just like with JSON_ARRAY and it's aggregator, we have JSON_OBJECTAGG:

=$ SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG( datname: oid) FROM pg_database;
 { "postgres" : "5", "pgdba" : "16394", "template1" : "1", "template0" : "4", "depesz" : "16395" }
(1 ROW)

That looks great. Don't get me wrong: I still think that json in db is extremely often misused. And cause problems like “how do I get data from nested arrays in json fields" that are often asked on IRC, Slack, or Reddit.

But – json support is not going to disappear, and the new additions look great. I love how easy it is to make proper jsonb object based on key/value pairs. With proper quoting and handling of special cases.

Great work. Thanks to all involved.

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